Sunday, 1 March 2020

Challange update 1st Mar

The 9th challenge was another one where I could do a lot more if I had the time. Would of really liked to have a go at photographing frozen soap bubbles but it was not to be. For the soap bubbles had trouble lighting them, will need to look at the lighting I have. Looks like I will have to try and get a softbox that I can suspend above the subject. Enjoyed doing the fizzy bubbles shots but again time was  the enemy.


Need to produce an image based  on the themes 'Mirrors and reflections'. I have an acrylic mirror and white and black sheets which can be used to create reflections. If I can also need to get out and look for reflections in windows, water including puddles. So as the challenge says I need to be observant, notice and record anything and its reflection and if possible look to make the vier consider what is real? What is reflection? Is it possible to fool the viewer!?


Looking at what to do and how to do it for the next challenges.

Light bulb moment (target date - Sun 15 Mar)

As a main subject, want a light bulb in the photograph. If possible go vintage! and see the light bulb filaments glowing.

Frame within a frame (target date - Sun 22 Mar)

A compositional tool is to frame your subject using a frame within the image, with this image try and use this technique to tell a story!

SOOC (Target date- Sun 29th Mar)

Straight out of the camera (sooc). Take a great shot and publish straight from the camera. No editing allowed. Use RAW? Just auto convert to a simple JPEG.

Triptych (Target date- Sun 5th Apr)

Take three photos of the same scene. One to set the scene. One as the main subject. And one to highlight something the oberve may have missed! for the advanced put the three photos in the same frame.

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