Sunday, 29 March 2020

Challenge update 29th March

The 13th challenge was to present a image straight out of camera, however as we are in self-isolation decided to take advantage of some daffodils and do a Triptych which is 3 images made into a single panel. Used images from across the week as a daffodil went from bud, to flower to dying.


Need to change the order of the challenges to cover the requirement to stay at home. Thinking of a couple of options depending on what presents itself. Potential challenges are SOOC, Patterns and Abandoned. With patterns will look for potential patterns around the home, for abandonded looking for abandoned objects around the home, gardent and on my one walk a day.


Currently the next few challenges are as follows, but the order may need to change based on circumstances and the need to do everything from home..

SOOC (Target date - tbc)

Straight out of the camera (sooc). Take a great shot and publish straight from the camera. No editing allowed. Use RAW? Just auto convert to a simple JPEG.

Patterns (Target date - Sun 12th Apr)

Find and take  images of some interesting patterns in the local landscape or architecture, if possible get repeating patterns.

Panning (Target date - Sun 19th Apr)

Take a picture of a moving subject whilst moving the camera so that the background is blurred to show movement. Shutter speed and handling your camera is crucial here. The subject should be crystal clear and the background a spectacular blur!

Abandoned (Target date - Sun 26th Apr)

The theme is abandoned and the photo must depict something forgotten? If possible it needs to convey a message in your photo, ie a call to action.

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